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Hollywood Star Stamps, 6 per Page (1947) Hollywood Star Stamps, Academy Awards (1947) Hollywood Star Stamps, Face Cards, 12 on Page (1947) Hollywood Star Stamps, International (1947) Horrible Herman Trick Joke Insect (1950s) Horse Racing Iron-On (1940s) Horseshoe Chalkware (1950's) 10" Horseshoe Chalkware (1950's) 6" Horseshoe Players with Beer Hot Ciggy Display (1950s) Hot Springs, Arkansas Pillow Cover (1940s-50s) Houston Oilers Rose Bowl Pin-Back Button (1970's) 1 3/4" Huge Glass Showcase (1930s) Hula Girl Sugar Promo Booklet (1950s) Hush Puppy Matchbook (1960s) Ice Cream Bags, Group of 7 (1930s - 1950s) Ice Cream Cones Ice Cream Dishes, Sundaes, and Lemonades Ice Cream Plates Ice Cream Sandwiches Idaho Souvenir Views (1950s) Ike Pin-Back Button (1956) 7/8" Illinois Rose Bowl Pin-Back Button (1964) 1 1/4" Illinois State Prison Postcard (1940s) Imitation Butter (1950s) Imitation Ink Blot (1930s) Imp Bottle and Magical Block (1950s) Imperial Council Shriners Pin-Back Button (1915) 1 1/4" Indian Chief Iron-On (1940s) Indian Chief Iron-On (1940s) Indian Chief Matchbooks, Pair (1950s) Indian Tomahawk & Peace Pipe (1960s) Inflatable Vinyl Reindeer (1960s -1970s) Iowa Pillow Cover (1940s-50s) Japan Dexterity Puzzles, Set of 3 (1950s) Japanese Diorama Mirror (1950s) Japanese Lacquer Bowl (1950s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holder (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holder (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holder (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holders (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holders (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holders (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holders (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holders (1960s) Japanese Lacquerware Candle Holders (1960s) Japanese Tip Tray (1950s) Joe's Hamburgers Matchbook (1940s) John Cigarros Box (1930's) Joke Box Dixie Pecans (1937)